A Message From our Team about the Coronavirus
Keep your family strong during stressful and trying times with the help of some of our powerful FamBundance activities.
Upcoming Call
Family Resiliency Blueprint
We know that these past few weeks have brought a lot of uncertainty and unknowns to your life. Not only has the Coronavirus had a direct impact on you, it’s also impacted your spouse and your entire family unit. You may feel a disconnect from your family, whereas four weeks ago, you never would have thought you’d be feeling that today.
Are you overcome with thoughts and emotions that you don’t even know where to begin when it comes to getting your family back on track?
We hear you and want to help! Join us every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month at Noon ET for a very special Family Resiliency Blueprint Workshop. During this workshop we will SHOW you how you can pivot and thrive in this environment that you’ve been thrown in to.
This is going to be a collaborative workshop where you will get to hear from other families just like you and hear how they are dealing with this new normal. We will all talk about our struggles, our frustrations, and how we can take those and turn them into new dreams and a new vision for our family during this time.
During this workshop you will be able to connect with old friends, and make new ones. After this workshop you will walk away with real strategies and action steps that you can implement immediately in your family so you can get back on the “connected” path once again!
We are opening this special workshop to ANY family who could benefit from attending, so please share the link below with your friends and loved ones, as we are asking EVERYONE to pre-register for this session.
Every 2nd & 4th Saturday | 12pm-1:30pm EDT
Both Members and Non-Members MUST pre-register at FamBundance.com/Blueprint

Check out the recording of one of the previous Blueprint calls!
Ongoing Calls for Junior Dream Leaders
JDL Community Connection Calls
Every Tuesday starting in June, Matt and Braden will be hosting a weekly Junior Dream Leader Community Connection Call. These calls will range in a variety of topics and activities to help keep your JDLs connected and engaged. Join us for conversations about the monthly topic focusing on the FamBundance pillars (these calls happen twice a month, and rotate through the pillars) and other fun activities such as cooking lessons, art projects, and nature connections. (Oh, and did we mention that we’ll be having online parties whenever there is a 5th Tuesday in the month? ‘Cause we will!)
All JDL calls are available for both members and non-members through the end of June. Starting in July, the first call of each month will be available to non-members, and the remaining calls will be for members only.
Every Tuesday | 6:00pm EDT
Join us at FamBundance.com/JDL-Zoom
Ongoing Calls for Next Gen Leaders
Our Next Gen Leaders (aged 12 and up) are quickly coming to a place in life where they are not only able, but have a strong desire to be responsible for their own schedules, call topics, and conversations. As we work to empower them to be leaders, we have decided to honor their requests, and allow them to work together as a team to set their call schedules on a week-by-week basis, based around their own constantly-changing schedules, and desires to connect multiple times a week.
The information that the NGLs share with each other is valuable, to say the least, especially in times such as these; however their main source of connection is frequently Social Media, and we all are aware of what can be found there! Instead, we strive to create a safe and empowering environment where our NGLs can build their communication skills, emotional intelligence, and bonds with each other.
We are very proud of our Next Gen Leaders – not just for their desire to take ownership of their own learning, but for the resilience, collaboration, and growth that they have collectively shown over the past few months!
Our Next Gen Leader community will continue to be led by Brotha James, with assistance from several of our NGLs who have asked to step up and take responsibility for ensuring the forward momentum of the group. As such, our NGL call schedule will switch to the following:
- One call each week will be lead by Brotha James, together with the NGL teen leaders. This call will take place on Wednesdays at 5pm ET at FamBundance.com/NGL-Zoom
- Additional calls each week will be planned, scheduled, and hosted by the teen leaders, and will be announced within their communications channels.
- Call days and times will remain flexible to allow for maximum attendance.
All NGL calls are available for both members and non-members through the end of June. Starting in July, the first call of each month will be available to non-members, and the remaining calls will be for members only.
The world can be a scary place in times of crisis
Fambundance is a community made up of highly successful, highly ambitious families who are continuously striving for the extraordinary. FamBundance is a community for those who do not settle for mediocre, in any aspect of life. And as such, it can be very difficult for us to just “turn off” when everyone is expected to be at home, staying away from other people, and avoiding the typical daily routines we are used to!
While this is certainly a difficult time, at FamBundance we work to appreciate the positive things in the world, and would like to offer a different perspective on the outbreak of this virus: What if we were to consider what many see as the scariest of times, as instead the most sacred of times? Ceasing from travel, shopping, and pushing ourselves to make the world different from how it is, we instead allow ourselves, our minds, and our hearts to become still. Instead of trying to touch the world, touch only those to whom you commit your life. Do not reach out with your hands, but instead reach out with your heart, your words, and your compassion towards others – the invisible ways that we can touch the world. Take this time to spend with your loved ones, caring for and loving each other, in ways that help you grow stronger together.

While we share that screenshot from the classic TV series Gilligan’s Island with light-hearted jest, the situation we find ourselves in is very serious! As we prepare to spend the coming weeks isolated with our families, we recognize that things might get crazy in your homes in the time ahead. That’s why we have made the decision to share some of our most valuable materials with any family who finds themselves needing a little extra support. We’ve put together this list of great tools to help you and your family grow stronger together during these stressful times!
Check out our recorded resource calls!
Join us for a special kid-focused call with JDL facilitators
Matt Duncan and Braden DeLonay
Keeping Cool, Calm, and Collected during the Coronavirus
This is a special call hosted by Junior Dream Leader CoFacilitators Matt Duncan and Braden DeLonay. On this JDL Focused call, we will spend time discussing the implications of the Coronavirus, as well as other potentially similar situations, and it means to be a kid during these crazy times. We’ll be discussing attitudes, supplies, staying healthy and supporting our families during the Coronavirus outbreak, as well as answering any questions that they have. This call will be focused on our JDL community, however both NGLs and Parents are welcome to join. If your kids have any friends that would benefit from this call, please invite them, as it is open to all who need it!
Friday, March 20, 2020 | 3:00pm EDT
Thank You to those who joined us for a special Zoom call with FamBundance member
Dr. Jamie Hope
Social Distancing With Your Family
Tuesday, March 17 2020 | 12:30pm EDT
Thank You to those who joined us for a special Zoom call with FamBundance Co-Founder Lindsay McCarthy
Suddenly Homeschooling
For additional resources visit Lindsay’s blog,
Designing Your Family Dream Session
Now, more than ever, families find themselves needing structure as they work together to navigate The Shift brought into our lives by the Coronavirus. Join us for a special call this Saturday, at Noon EDT, for a guided Family Dream Session experience. Never heard of a Family Dream Session before? We’ve heard them called many things: family meetings, family boardroom sessions, and others. At FamBundance, we consider the Family Dream Session the core of helping a family focus on the values, dreams, and goals that they’ve chosen for their lives, and by holding regular Family Dream Sessions, it makes it easier to keep those core values close to heart. Join us for a special session, lead by Fambundance CoFounders Mike & Lindsay McCarthy, as they lead you through the process of designing and conducting your first Family Dream Session. This interactive Zoom call will have opportunities for you to ask questions, share interpersonal conversations with other like-minded families, and participate in a shared experience of one of FamBundance’s most powerful tools.
This call took place Saturday, March 28th | 12pm EDT
Keep your family active with our Coronavirus Bingo activity!
To help keep your family active and engaged during your time stuck at home, we’ve put together a great Coronavirus Bingo activity sheet! Any JDL or NGL who completes all of the activities on the sheet and submits it to us by May 1, 2020 will be entered into a drawing for one of three $50 Amazon Gift Cards!
Stop the conflicts quickly with our Conflict Resolution Guide
What happens when you lock kids, pets, and parents in a house together for days at a time? Well, we’d like to think things will go great, but just in case, when the shouting starts, try our Conflict Resolution Guide. It’s a great way to make sure that everyone is seeing eye-to-eye, and is much more effective than time-outs or staying bitter all day.
Focus on your values with the Family Values Workbook
At the core of the work we do here at FamBundance, is a focus on family values. Wether your family is brand new to FamBundance, or have been participating in our programs for many years, nothing is more bonding to a family than taking time to sit down and focus on co-creating a list of core family values.
We are excited to share with you this simple, but effective conversation guide, along with a series of powerful questions and activities designed to help your family work together to shape meaningful family values. Values that will help guide your family to an exceptional future that you intentionally co-create and design as a family. This is the first step to Grabbing Life Big as a Family, so let’s begin our journey!
Values are the seeds from which your future emerges. What you value will quietly shape your life, but not until you take the time to consciously define what they are. When you allow these defined values to guide your decisions, you will move yourself (and your family) into alignment with the highest potential for each individual, as well as the family as a whole! A life that is value driven and internationally co-created enables you to truly Grab Life Big as a Family!
This workbook is designed for all members of the family to participate, however the kid’s portions are best suited for those aged 5 and up. For the younger kids, they will need some assistance reading the questions, however the questions for the kids and adults are designed with identical outcomes, so that when you discuss your answers as a family, the answers you came up with individually will all be able to be answered in alignment, regardless of age.
We at FamBundance are so grateful for the opportunity to help you and your family identify your values together. We know that this experience will be a powerful one for each of you, and will help to prepare you for greatness as you Grab Life Big as a Family!!!
Please click each of the 3 buttons below to download the Family Values Workbook files.
Document 1 is the instruction packet for the whole family. Document 2 is the worksheets for Adults and NGLs. Document 3 is the worksheets for JDLs.
Below, we have two additional resources to help you and your family complete the Family Values Workbook. The first is a video from our team; founder Mike McCarthy, CEO Jeremy “Brotha James” Reisig and our Program Designer Matt Duncan, that will walk your family through the process of completing the workbook. The second resource, found below the video, is a Slideshow presentation that will walk your family, step by step, through the entire workbook, complete with timers and music.
Rethink the kid’s responsibilities with the FamBundance Stars Activity
Ready to rethink how you help your kids focus on their responsibilities, allowance, and helping themeselves and the family around the house? Check out our Stars Activity, and create a whole new family currency!
Take some time to focus on your goals in each of the 6 FamBundance Pillars
In FamBundance we focus on 6 Pillars that ensure our focus is where it needs to be. These 6 Pillars are:
- Financial Literacy
- Healthy Habits
- Bucket List Adventures
- Authentic Relationships
- Genuine Contributions
- Honoring Commitments
If your family is ready to take a look at what your goals are in each of these 6 Pillars, check out our Pillar Goals guide! It’s a great opportunity to think about what is most important to you – both as individuals and as a family – and create some actionable goals around those dreams!
Bring it all together with a Family Dream Sesson
The Family Dream Session is a great format for you to conduct a family meeting. This special format, which we have been crafting and refining to make it as powerful as possible, helps your family to think about what’s going great, what’s coming up, and the amazing ways in which you love each other.
Have our activities helped your family? Do you need a little more guidance?
We hope that these powerful tools have helped your family to get through these tough times together, and even come out stronger than ever before!
If you would like to talk to us about these activities, or about becoming a member of our group for more amazing family-focused content, please click the button below to fill out our interest form, and our team will get back to you!