The Tribe for Healthy, Wealthy, Entrepeneurial Families Who Want to Learn and Grow Together

Is FamBundance the community your family has been searching for? Watch the video above to find out!

Think the FamBundance community might be right for your family?

Let us know, and we’ll send you a sample of our Family Values Workbook!

Who We Are

FamBundance is the first-of-its-kind family mastermind program, focusing on personal growth and family development for entrepreneurial families. Fambundance allows families to acquire endless opportunities, connections, strategies, and experiences that allow families to grow closer, appreciate each other more, and become equipped to carry their family legacy forward!

Why We Do It

The world is calling for stronger, braver, more collaborative communities. 

The world’s current systems of equipping kids with the tools and strategies needed to carry a legacy forward are broken and inefficient.  We also know that most fortunes are lost within 3 generations of the fortunes being made. 

At the heart of every community is family. By coming together as a community of families looking to strengthen the family unit, we inevitably make the world a better place, while helping your family to function at its highest, and carry your family legacy forward for generations to come.


by brotha James and The Amuchastegui Family

Extraordinary Opportunities for Extraordinary Families

What does it mean to be a Fambundance family? Our families strive for success. They strive to make the best of what is and find the best of what could be.

Family Mastermind Learning Retreats

When we come together, we are able to learn and grow together! Our biannual (Summer and Winter) masterminds allow families to spend time playing, deepening bonds, and becoming the best families we can be.

Connections are Key

Creativity thrives when it is given ideas to thrive off of. Being a part of FamBundance means becoming connected with families that share your same values for adventure, forward-thinking, constant learning, and becoming the best that the world will allow you to be. Fambundance provides the opportunity to talk, learn, and adventure with like-minded families, creating more opportunities to learn from each other than ever imaginable before.

Year Round Learning

Our Year-Round FamBundance Program brings you access to multiple modes of learning! Some of our fantastic programming includes:


  • Accountability pods for every member of the family (including kids and teens!)
  • Connect & Share calls that give kids and Next Gen Learners opportunities to connect between our main events!
  • Learn & Grow calls with strategic experts who are knowledgeable in the fields you want to learn about!
  • Private Facebook communities and Members-Only access to our website
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If you’re looking for a way to get on the same page as a family, regardless of the ages of your children, FamBundance was created for you. If you’ve ever thought that your family is one that lives counter-culturally or goes a bit against the grain, this is for you. - Dailey Family

Ready to join FamBundance?

Let us know, and we’ll send you a sample of our Family Values Workbook!