Who are the next gen leaders?

At FamBundance, every one of our programs, events, and activities is designed to build up families to be the best they can be. As part of our goal to build strong families, we put a major focus on one of our biggest stakeholders – the teenagers… or as we like to call them, the Next Gen Leaders. 

We spend a lot of time with our Next Gen Leaders building relationships, developing values, and helping them to define and build their long term visions for the future

What does it mean to be a Next Gen Leader?
Watch the video and find out!

Creating a growth mindset

Being a teenager can be hard. That’s why at FamBundance, we push our Next Gen Leaders to not only focus on their values and goals, but to create a Growth Mindset, setting them up for a future of success.

“I feel like I have learned so much from FamBundance and have tremendously grown as a person because of it.

FamBundance inspires me to dream big, shows me that no dream is too big, fuels the entrepreneurial spirit me, and nurtures great friendships. 

FamBundance has taught he to set goals, big goals! Because of FamBundance, I make yearly goals and have them taped to my wall where I look at them each morning. This causes me to think of how I can go about my day getting me closer to my goals.

The NGL community is a group of teenagers that share the same goal — pursuing a better life and striving towards that each and every day. Together, we talk about individual goals, how we’re going to grow the FamBundance community, and what we can do to better ourselves and ultimately, the world.”

—Grace Wimberly, Next Generation Leader

Ready to become a Next Gen Leader?

By filling out the form below, it will help us to get to know you as a Next Generation Leader, and allow us to tailor your experience in the community to your needs.